Conventional System

In a conventional "single channel" control system, the overall reliability is dependent upon the correct function of the individual components, typically:

  • PLC CPU and software
  • Digital I/O
  • Power supplies
  • Interposing relays
  • Circuit breakers / fuses
  • Wire termination points
  • Instrumentation

A fail of one of these “in series” items can affect, often silently, the availability of the control system.

In terms of overall reliability the control system may be considered as one of a number modules that form the complete solution, the other modules typically being generators, air or motorised circuit breakers, switchboards, sled mounted equipment, valves, pumps etc. The central co-ordinating role of the control system pulls together the standard modules to form the overall solution.

Clearly the control system module plays an important role in co-ordinating the resources of the overall “real world” solution, yet a failure in its single channel design will nullify the provision of multiple redundant field units of the same type e.g. banks of generator multiple generators / air circuit breakers / sled mounted equipment.